In the UK, bacon is considered almost as a staple among meat eaters! It adorns our sandwiches, our breakfast plates, and any occasion a quick snack is in order… Bacon and it’s cured brethren haven’t had a very good time in the press recently, but this is much to do with the additives, preservatives and other nasty chemicals added in the curing process, which begins with factory farmed pigs.
Bacon, as a supermarket product, has become synonymous with shrinkage in the pan, that white fatty scum that surrounds it as it cooks, and those wafer thin slices which are virtually transparent! There are various reasons for all of these tragedies, the king of which is that, the product your buying isn’t really bacon at all, not for the most part anyway; it is a low grade meat product, which is injected with a brine solution, packed with a variety of chemicals, to bulk its size and weight, cure it very quickly, extend the products shelf life (so it can travel most of the way across Europe), and to give it a pink and long lasting colour. Even the salt used in this kind of product is very low grade, with no mineral content, and full of anti-caking agents. The chemical components of this non-food are highly carcinogenic, and undoubtedly lead to ill health!
Even most butchers, in this day and age, buy in a bag of pre-mixed cure, which is largely full of the same toxins mentioned above; the skill and art of hand-curing is largely dead and gone, replaced by the same rapid, chemically overdosed unpleasantness that perpetrates most of our modern mass-produced goods, food, cosmetic or otherwise!
Potassium Nitrate, also used in gunpowder, is used primarily to prevent nasty bacteria growing during the curing process and to artificially enhance that ‘nice pink colour’, but it also kills you.
THE ANSWER, just buy real bacon; from pigs which were happy to live, not stuck in a factory depressed!
Cowran Estate’s bacon is very different: not only do we produce our pork very differently, and ultimately nurture very happy, free-range pigs; but our bacon, couldn’t be further from the factory-produced rubbish either!
Our own free-range pork is cut and cured, by hand, to our own recipes! The only salt we use is Organic Sea Salt, which contains no anti-caking agents, among other fresh and dried natural ingredients, which we’re are proud of and always delighted to disclose.
We use only natural nitrates to help our bacon cure, we find ours in the plant world where they are abundant and in a more compatible form.
Our bacon and gammons are cured with several, very different, recipes. We produce a delicious, and very flavourful standard cured bacon in all cuts; and can enhance your bacon experience even further with our speciality cures.
Our Lavender Cured Bacon is delicious, and a favourite of everyone on the estate; it’s delicate flavour makes a delicious sandwich and adds a different dimension to this national favourite! If you prefer the sweeter things in life, why not try our Molasses Cured Bacon; it’s dark colour comes from the molasses sugar used to enhance it’s cure.
We’ve been nominated in four category’s: BEST NEW FESTIVAL, BEST SMALL FESTIVAL, GRASS ROOTS AWARD, & BEST TOILETS!! Please vote for us, it takes less than one minute online – CLICK ON ANY IMAGE BELOW OR RIGHT HERE! It’s amazing to have been acknowledged for all this year’s hard work! This year’s Magic Orchard has hailed so much attention; people still talk about it on the estate every day, even people who didn’t attend, everyone has been so kind and keen to support, so please click to be taken to the Magic Orchard 2015 page and follow instructions to vote. As an added incentive the UK Festival Awards are also offering the opportunity to enter the ‘Dream Summer’ prize draw to win 2 VIP tickets to every festival that wins an award.
The idea had floated around for several years before last year’s small-scale event, planned only as an end of season party for Cowran’s own staff, and friends of the Estate. 2015 took a completely different approach though; moving on several strides from our fourteen foot trailer as a main stage, to a huge eight metre Main Stage, Acoustic Stage, Disgoat Dance Tent and Courtyard Stage; as well as a professional crew of riggers, stage managers, sound engineers, lighting engineers, electricians; and a huge variety of talent both up and coming, and long established, ‘home-grown’ and from around the world!
We are extremely happy to declare the event a huge success, with a crazy Facebook buzz over the course of the last week; and some beautifully worded NW Evening Mail reviews by Hollie Rees and Karl Steel, both online (click picture or here to read), and in print (Tuesday 8th September). With help from a great South Lakes District Council team, we were able to create an amazing event, that was safe, fun and hopefully has a great future; personally I hope it be a ‘jewel in the crown’ of South Lakeland!
We are really keen to collect as many pictures & videos as possible, in order to keep track of the event. We are also looking for audio and video testimonials, to showcase the event; so if you fancy getting together with a couple of friends, who attended, and recording us a little audio or video through your computer; it can be as RAW as you like, we’re happy to tidy it up. Send any media to [email protected] along with your name and address, for credits, and the chance to win a free ticket to Magic Orchard 2016! The best audio or video clip, photo or movie, which encompasses the spirit of the Magic Orchard will be awarded one free ticket!
Magic Orchard 2015 would not have been possible without a long list of people, I hope I have included everyone below, but our efforts were so extensive, that I’m sure there are a few more names too. Cowran Estate will be improving it’s infrastructure again over the course of the next 12 months; we have plans to improve camping facilities and our on-site infrastructure (including loos); as well as creative and practical ideas in order that we can produce an even more exceptional Magic Orchard 2016!
Ever grateful, faithfully yours,
Simon Diss – Cowran Estate
To find out more about the estate, and Magic Orchard, go to
ANNE & MIKE DISS – Consideration, Support & Open-mindedness
Event Crew
SIMON DISS – Managing Director, Event & Site Manager, Licensee, Community Liaison
ROB DUNPHY – Event Manager, Licensing Liason, Marketing, Public Relations
MIKE DISS – Financial Controller, Head of Recycling
ANNE DISS – General Support
JOE LYDON – Assistant Event Manager
GRIPPER NEWBY – Programming, Live Scheduling, ‘Old School Set’ in the Discgoat (Saturday), Setup Assistance
DAVE CROSSLEY – Artist Liason, Monster Monster Reggae Regga (Sunday), Setup Assistance
ABBIE BAGLIN – Event Office Manager
MAXINE BAGLIN – Medical Officer
GEORGIA BEACH – Event Office Volunteer
CHLOE DAVIS – Event Office Volunteer
BOB & ALEX – Awesome Goats Head (Courtyard) & Tree Fire Drawing (Orchard)
Sound, Lighting & Stage
RICH & CREW – Main Stage Manager & Sound Engineers
ANTHONY MEYNELL – Crafty Fox Bar Manager & Craft Beer Master; Provision of Bar, Acoustic Stage equipment
CHRIS DUNPHY – Barman & Craft Beer Connoisseur
NICK ROBINSON- Barman & Craft Beer Connoisseur
SIA Security
TIM HOLLIDAY – Head of SIA Security and his team of five SIAs
JOANNE YOUNG – Head Steward
DARCEL WALKER – Steward & Runner
LIAM PICKERING – Steward & Runner
MEGAN McCARRON – Steward & Runner
SAM MARCH — Steward & Runner
JAMIE BELL – Steward
Photography & Media
PETE WILSON – Graphic Design
RONNIE WHITE – Event Photographer
JOE LYDON – Event Photographer
KARL STEELE & TEAM – North West Evening Mail
Ancillary Positions
MIKE BRYANT – Litter picking, general support & an endless list of other jobs 365 days a year
TOM CURWEN- Voluntary Support; including mowing, post knocking, and setup assistance
GEOFF CROSSLEY – Voluntary Support and setup assistance, site decoration
NATHAN HIGH – Setup Assistance & Decoration of Acoustic Stage
SAM RAVEN – Setup Assistance, General Support
MARTINE HARMAN – Estate Admin, Ticket Sales Admin
SI ROGERS – Spray Art on the Bale Walls
DEAN BARROW – Moving & Creating the Silage Bale Walls
BRIAN HEAVYSIDE – Loan of Catering Equipment, General Support
LINDA DAVY, LISA TUPPEN, DEBORAH SCHOFIELD – Farmer’s & Mercantile Insurance (Yorkshire Office)
THE HOPE & ANCHOR PUB – Very Kind Loan of excellent marquee for the Courtyard / Beach Stage
TRAVIS PERKINS, ULVERSTON – Donation of Bulk Bags for litter
GARY SEARLE, SEARLE AUDIO – Turntable Service & Repair, Loan of Mobile PA
PETER WINSTON, ULVERSTON – Hire of Gazebos, Traffic Cones & Road Signs
Licensing & Local Authority
SEAN HALL – SLDC Principal Environmental Health Officer
PC SHANE WHEELER – Cumbria Constabulary Licensing Officer
HARDEEP BURNLEY – SLDC Head of Licensing
Join the Cowran Community by subscribing to our newsletters, for news of upcoming events; information on our organic foods, and the estates conversion to organic production, including our in-house bakery and butchery; information from our education centre and our children’s charity Cowran Care; new products in our on-line shop; and future plans for estate and the community attached to it….
Cowran Estate has been buzzing all week, in preparation for this weekend’s Magic Orchard festival; our team has worked so incredibly hard! Much of the site structure is now in place, including the all important Snooty Fox Bar; headed by our Purveyor of Artisan Beers – Anthony Meynell; ask him about beer and you’ll be chatting happily all weekend…
With a huge selection of local and exotic ales, specialist lagers, hardcore ciders and spirits, The Crafty Fox is setup and ready to go! Don’t forget the Jagermeister, specially chilled and ready to rock!!
The Crafty Fox is also an excellent spot to catch a view of our Acoustic Stage; lean on the bar, look left and you’ll be there for the afternoon.
We have priced the bar at very competitive prices, so don’t forget to bring your wallets; cash-back will be available in the Cowran Food outlet, located in the estate car park, between the trade stands, and the Beach Yard stage; there’s plenty of awesome food to, from breakfast to delicious dinner, and snacks!
We can’t wait to see you all, you won’t believe what we’ve given you for the cost of your ticket! 🙂
Cowran Estate’s Magic Orchard welcomes The Orchid Hunters!
“If I could build a house on stilts, I’d live out in the ocean” – Plum Island
The Orchid Hunters were a funky, upbeat pop infused band, until recently when a membership change has put them on a different musical path. The band decided to forego percussion and focus on a three-piece format, using pretty acoustic melodies and intricate harmonies. This eclectic style is product of influences; from Red Hot Chili Peppers, to Lady Gaga.
Hitting every gig with high energy performance and grooving melodic rhythms, the threesome provide a funky combination of fresh guitar, and fearless bass fronted by Beccy’s eccentric and unpredictable vocal hooks. The band always manages to put a smile on faces and brings a good vibe to every gig.
Ex-Kendal College music students Beccy, Gaz and Taighlor (Dizzle) have featured on the Woodlands stage and Lakeside Sessions at Kendal Calling twice and have numerous radio plays through the BBC Introducing program and have now re-located to the Musical Metropolis of Manchester to further their musical ambitions!
The band’s latest single, Champagne Skies, is ‘a fusion of tight grooves and catchy melodies’ which has fans bouncing around and is an enticing promise of things to come from The Orchid Hunters.
Members: Beccy Sykes – Guitar, Synth and Vocals; Taighlor Wilson – Guitar and Vocals; Gaz Tyson – Bass and Vocals
Following Magic Orchard this year, they will be playing at Koh Tao in Fallowfield on 25th September and a charity gig at The Nines in Barrow on 26th September.
Cowran Estate would like to offer an official pre-welcome to, the legend that is, Dave Haslam, headlining at this year’s Magic Orchard festival in three weeks time! Preparations are well underway, tickets have now completely sold-out, and we can’t wait for those lucky few, who did manage to get their hands on one!!
Dave Haslam DJ-ed over four hundred and fifty times at the Hacienda, mostly Thursdays and Saturdays through the ‘Madchester’ years in the late 1980s when his eclectic, open-minded and ground-breaking DJing became a focus for Madchester’s indie dance fraternity. Ian Brown, Tim Burgess, Justin Robertson, and the Chemical Brothers have all credited Haslam as an inspiration. His periods at the club were 1986-1990, 1991-1992, and then he returned to play at the club in 1996; he was DJing on the last night the Hacienda was open; June 28th 1997.
In the 1990s he hosted ‘Freedom’ and ‘Yellow’ at the Boardwalk and DJ-ed at the likes of ‘Cream’ in Liverpool, ‘Angels’ in Burnley, Home in London and round the world; including Ibiza, Chicago, Reykjavik, Paris, Lyon, Berlin, Dublin, Zurich, and Detroit. His gigs with bands include shows with the Stone Roses (at the Hacienda, Blackpool Empress Ballroom, Alexandra Palace, and Spike Island) and New Order at G-Mex. He’s played at afterparties for New Order, Gorillaz, and Depeche Mode. His festival appearances include ‘Creamfields’ (1998, 2008), ‘Standon Calling’ (2010), ‘FOM Fest’ (2011), ‘Kendal Calling’ (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014), and Festival YEAH! in Lourmarin, France (2014).
He describes his DJing philosophy as “playing the best records ever made one after the other” and his style as “eccentric/eclectic”; he has been described as “the man with golden ears”. As well as his place in the history of Manchester clubs, he has pursued a career as a writer and journalist and has also been identified as one of the earliest and most influential champions of the new generation of Manchester bands; including Everything Everything.
He currently hosts a number of club nights in Manchester, notably the successful guest-list only ‘Sweet Sensation’ night, at various venues, and a once-a-year ‘Yellow’ Reunion. Away from Manchester, he has recently played in Lisbon, Cleveland, New York, Paris, Barcelona, and Geneva.
….and in September 2015 is playing Magic Orchard!!
Dave is also noted for his writing; among his titles; Life After Dark: A History of British Nightclubs & Music Venues, and Not Abba; the Real Story of the 1970s, among others, all available at; and his interviewing; check out the video of him interviewing John Squire (Stone Roses) on XFM, right at the bottom of the article!
Cowran Estate and Magic Orchard 2015 are excited to welcome, The Fontaines; a fresh indie 6-piece, straight out of Sheffield, continuing the city’s tradition for catchy and melodic tunes, with an edge and witty, ‘tell-it-how-it-is’ lyrics. Adding sax and trumpet to the traditional bass, guitar, drums and vocals, The Fontaines drop into the area fresh from gigs in Camden, Stockport, The Lomax in Liverpool and Sheffield’s famous Leadmill.
Describing their sound as ‘2005 indie, ten years on’ there is certainly an ounce of influence from classic millennial indie such as The Kooks and The Libertines as well as newer bands such as Circa Waves and Little Comets, however their tracks are still excellently developed into their own unique style. The guitar and bass lines are well written and the pure vocal tone of frontman Joe is truly standout.
Joe St Ledger – Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar; Alex Tood – Lead Guitar/Backing Vocals; Tom Nugent – Bassist/Backing Vocals; Oliver Clark – Drums/Shouting Sort of members; Ellie Rockliff – Trumpet; Jo Woodcock – Saxophone
“The Fontaines are tighter and more together than ever, with earworm melodies guaranteed to get arm-waving sing-alongs from crowds.”-Safe Kind of High
“Perfect for your summer playlist”-The Musical Outcast
“the name The Fontaines is one that will become more and more familiar over a short period of time”-Gron Blog
“The Fontaines are a fabulous band”- Alan Smyth 2 fly studios
“The band works together seamlessly, creating these perfect entities which wouldn’t be out of place were the band on the bill for the NME stage at Leeds fest this summer” -What Culture
“The EP is upbeat in tempo and full of catchy hooks that will have your feet tapping along from the first listen, consisting of four faultless tracks: ‘Blame It On Alcohol’ ‘Amanda’ ‘Two To Tango’ and the lead track ‘Santiago Skyline’.”-Also What Culture